For many rock collectors it is not about beauty, or rarity, or location. Fluorescence is about how that rock or mineral looks under a UV light. Some ordinary and often ugly rocks ...
Selenite - (Page)Selenite is a form of Gypsum, which is one of the more common minerals in sedimentary environments. It is a major rock forming mineral that produces massive beds, usually from precipitation out of ...
Oklahoma Rocks and Minerals - (Page)Oklahoma has only a limited variety of gem grade rocks and minerals, mostly agate and petrified wood. However, Oklahoma is rich in commodity minerals throughout the state. These natural minerals, wh ...
Mexico Rocks and Minerals - (Page)Mexico is another country rich in rock and mineral resources. Unfortunately a lot of those resources remain unexplored. There is a great Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, which crosses the entire count ...
North Dakota Rock and Minerals - (Page)North Dakota has lots of oil and gas, sand and gravel, coal, groundwater and other natural resources. North Dakota is in the U.S. region known as the Great Plains. Eastern North Dakota lies in the l ...
Colorado Rocks and Minerals - (Page)Colorado, and most western states, has produced gold, copper, and silver. Gold was discovered in 1859 and the most productive gold mine in Colorado, the Cresson Mine, produced more than 258,000 ou ...
Wyoming Rocks and Minerals - (Page) We have spent many summers digging dinosaur bones in Wyoming! The Native American word for Wyoming, mecheweaming, means “at the big flat”. A very accurate description of ...
Nevada Rocks and Minerals - (Page)Nevada is a great place for collecting rocks and minerals. Nevada is the seventh largest state in the union. Yet it's population density is very low. So much of the state is still open and u ...
State Gemstones, Rocks, Fossils and Minerals - (Page)Does my state have a official state gemstone, rock, mineral, or fossil? Alabama designated Hematite as the state mineral in 1967, Hematite as the state rock in 1969, and Star Blue Quartz as ...