Belief in the spiritual healing properties of rocks and crystals goes back beyond recorded history. You can read more about the actual use of rocks in minerals in ancient times for medicinal ...
How to Tumble Rocks - (Post)What is Rock Tumbling? Rock tumbling is a fun way of polishing multiple semiprecious gemstones simultaneously in a rock tumbler. A rock tumbler is a piece of equipment that has a plastic or r ...
Carnelian or Cornelian - (Page)Carnelian, also spelled Cornelian, is the only member of the translucent chalcedony family with its own name! Though it is actually Carnelian Agate, it is usually referred to as just Carnelian.&n ...
Bible Stones - (Page)The Bible makes numerous references to stones: The first mention of stones in the Bible (Exodus 28:17-20) has to do with the stones in Aaron's breastplate. Aaron was Moses' brother and led the ...
Birthstones by Month and Zodiac Stones - (Page)What are the Birthstones and Zodiac Stones, and what do they mean? Just when the Zodiac Signs were declared is unclear. Some form of zodiac use preceded the Babylonians, though it was the ...
Agate Stone and Jasper Stone - (Page)What is the difference between agate stones and jasper stones? Agates and jaspers are both members of the Chalcedony stone family. Chalcedony (kal SED' nee) is any form of microcrystalline quartz, ...
Oregon Rocks and Minerals - (Page)Oregon is known for jaspers, agates, thundereggs, and petrified wood. Oregon's terrain varies from beaches to pine covered mountains to barren desert. Graveyard Point Plume, Priday, Stinkin ...
Origin of Rock Names - (Page)Origin of Names for Rocks and Minerals How do rocks and minerals get their names? The Rock and Mineral names can be traced quite often to Greek and to Latin. It is common practice to add an "ite" ...
Rhode Island Rocks and Minerals - (Page)Rhode Island is one of the worst states for finding gem grade rocks and minerals. Once a plain not much above sea level, Rhode Island has been uplifted and its surface covered by stream action into ...
Madagascar Rocks and Minerals - (Page)Madagascar produces an amazing array of precious gemstones. In addition they have lots of semiprecious stones such as agates and jaspers, as well as fossils, and minerals. Madagascar is the ...
Quartz, Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Citrine, Smoky Quartz, Amethyst - (Page)Quartz is the most common single mineral on earth. It is found on every continent, and just about every country. Quartz has a hardness of 7, and it polished and wears well. Macrocrystalline quart ...